Zim Live Sessions by Tanyaradzwa A. Rukuwah

“Art has the power to transform, to illuminate, to educate, inspire and motivate” – Unknown. Zimbabwe is the home of vibrant and authentic people. Talent runs through our veins but most times people do not have platforms to showcase their talents. The talent that has the least of platforms is art. Art, in all its […]

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Unrequited love by Kelvin Hoyo

My heart throbs when I see your face. My mind contemplates on the love, That could have been, but never was. Perhaps it was those pearly eyes of yours which light up my heart like stars on a gloomy night, or maybe it was that cherubim figure of yours which got my heart ripped.   […]

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NOW OR NEVER by Tanyaradzwa Rukuwah

Artist Profile. Name: Joseph Pilime aka Joza. Genre: Hip Hop Nationality: Zimbabwean. Started recording  Music in 2008 after he was signed by a local recording Lable.According to the recording deal, Joza was supposed to record his first studio album but the process failed due to his high school commitments.In 2011 after being born again the rapper […]

Read More NOW OR NEVER by Tanyaradzwa Rukuwah