Thank you, next!

These past few months, I have been doing some soul searching, and it resulted in heartbreak and newfound love, Self-love. Heartbreaks can be really hard to deal with. Here’s a go-to guide on how to deal with that painful wound.


‘IDGAF Definition Design ’ iPhone Case by Leslie…

Yes, you are caring; yes you are loving but for you to move on, just stop giving f*%$. Sometimes you just have to be selfish and think of what’s best for you. Wanna wear sweatpants and eat your heart out? Do it! Do you boo. Sometimes not giving a f*%# is good. It helps you realize your self-worth; gain some self-love, and it enables you to put yourself first. 



Many times we look at others for proclamation and praise, but there will never be a bigger cheerleader for you than you! Bad relationships can make you feel less of yourself like you are a peasant in your own kingdom. But you are a queen, own it! Take back control and learn to love yourself again. People will only respect you and love you when you start loving and respecting yourself. Look into that mirror and say, “I am smart, I am beautiful, and I am more than enough”. 

Press! Press! Press! Press! Press!


So many people are going to act like they were part of your relationship. Like, they knew all the ups and downs; the highs and lows but in all honesty, they don’t. They will always have an opinion about your break-up. Well, loopy loo, you do not owe anyone any explanation, and their opinion shouldn’t weigh you down. Take the hit and let it roll off your back. You are royalty, and you shouldn’t let peasants’ opinion bring you down. 

Ciao, adios 

Ciao Adios - Anne Marie song lyrics

Here’s the thing, break-ups are hard. They tear you down, and you tend to think about the memories you have had and the history you share. But honey, history doesn’t mean you will have a good future. Re-evaluate the time you spent together. Were the highs more than the lows? Were you treated right? Were you happy? If your answers are negative, then honey, this relationship wasn’t worth it at all. It’s time to move on, let go and let God. Don’t block your blessings because you want to make someone happy. It’s not worth it at all. 

Thank you, next!

Thank You, Next - Cheer Bow.jpg

As you have taken your path into moving away from all the negativity and moving towards the route of positivity; it doesn’t necessarily mean that you must move on to the next thing. This is the time to reflect and perfect your life. Never regret your past relationship; its what could have differently that you should regret. You need to find yourself; who you really are and your self-worth. The moment you know who are, and the moment that you love yourself, you will get someone that will love you and treat you right. 



Lastly, take that sunshine, put it in your pocket and walk around with it. Be brave and bold, live a life of courage and grace, be wise beyond compare and have faith for a better day.


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