“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” – L. Hay

Imagine having to go for a retreat that helps you focus on you. A retreat that helps you reconnect with your inner and your outer. Well you can imagine no more ladies.  From the author that brought you heart-warming and heart-changing book, I am Enough, comes a retreat that gives you the retreat of your dreams.


The founder for the Self-Love Retreat, Faith Chipangura told us this, “This retreat is a self-love or soul care retreat. It was created with the intention to reconnect women with self in terms of bringing back the serenity and the ability to love themselves. As days go by many young women lose themselves in the day to day activities and social media, comparisons with everything and everyone else and end up forgetting who they are and neglecting to love themselves and taking care of themselves “.

“The theme of the retreat is THE UNSTOPPABLE POWER OF INTENTION RETREAT for women. Women aren’t intentional about taking care of themselves, the relationships they get into and most don’t know boundaries because they don’t know the intention of that. So l identified the gap and as a young woman who has gone through it and has learnt the fruit of intention in all things l find myself in, l would like to extend that courtesy to other young women through a weekend of teaching about that, a time of reflection and reconnecting them with self”.

“Why intention and it’s power you may ask, because from there we draw a direction we want our lives to take and find clarity for paths we choose to take and things we adopt along the way avoiding dragging dead wood for lack of a better word in relationships, careers, friendships and projects we take on”.

So there you have it ladies. Give yourselves a little self-love. For more information contact 0775538608

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