Life after college

Hello world, my name is Tanya and I have come to take over. Well those were the words that I said as I stepped out of the exam hall after my last exam. Little did I know that the world was about to take over me in full force. College life was amazing and terrible at the same time. Trust me, my best and worst moments happened at college. The first love of my life; the first devastating breakup; friendships formed and broken; losing faith and regaining it….the list could go on and on. But I am truly grateful for all that has happened over my 4 years at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe. Now that I’m done with college and I’m in life’s playing ground, things have changed y’all. I aint playing… Ish is real now. Here are five things that I have learnt over the past 9 months.

  1. Bills Bills Bills… and Responsibilities

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See, with added years to your ID comes great responsibility…or should I say comes more responsibilities? The moment I finished college, my family decided that Tanya is now an adult and we must take full advantage of this. Especially after I got a job, all hell broke loose. “Hey Tanya, don’t you think we should get more cereal?”; “Tanya, what do you think about this particular situation?” Here at the back of my head I’m busy daydreaming about which episode imma watch of the Fairly Godparents tonight. Hey, I never said I had grown up; my ID did. I just want it to go back to the days when I would wake up and breakfast was prepared for me…when I would try to butt in on adults’ conversations and I would be told to buzz off. Haaaa those were the days (sigh).

  1. “Adulting”

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I have been noticing my trends since I finished school. I enjoy my company more than others; I like listening to slow meaningful songs and I’m constantly thinking about the future. Oh, not to mention that I have no time or room for drama these days. Now, those who know me, who really know the real Tanya, would be shocked. Why? You may ask. Well, for starters, I like being all up in people’s businesses; I like stirring the pot; plus I am loud and proud. Adulting really did a number on me. Dear old Tanya, I miss you (lol).

  1. Going down the rabbit hole

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Life after college is a start of a journey. A journey filled with mysteries at each end that will unfold bit by bit… but also, may become increasingly difficult, complex and chaotic as it unfolds. You might think that you have solved one problem and then Bam! Life is like, “Wassup little one, thought you had me all figured out huh?” When you think that you have it all figured out, something just pops up that you hadn’t accounted for. For example, according to my life plan, I should have been driving my own car by now and working at my dream job. But noooooo, life just had to show me that there are economic problems and I can’t get my dream job just easily. Moral of the story, nothing comes cheap and life ain’t all rainbows and cupcakes.

  1. The future

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See, one of the perks about life after college is that you’re constantly worrying and thinking about the future (as noted in my adulting paragraph lol). “What can I do next about my education?”; “Will I ever own my own business?”; “What is my future baby’s name?”; “Am I ever going to get married?” etc. These are just a few of the carefully picked worries from my over-imaginative brain. I was always one of those people who thought of the future. Yes I was naughty, but in my naughtiness, I carefully picked the types of drama so that when my future self will look back, I would look back and smile. Not look back and frown. But now, I’m like a headless chicken that just constantly worry and don’t know what to do. Solution: None. Somebody please help! (Sob).

  1. Live, Laugh and Let go (even though its hard)

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One thing I have learnt in my 9 months of adulting is that you take every day as it is. You can never be fully prepared for what might hit you and you could never really fully understand what actually hit you. So you live to see another day. Also, find humour in something every day. No matter how low you are, just smile. You never know who your smile might bless that day. Besides, laughing is the fountain of youth, ask Peter Pan or Jack Sparrow (wink wink). The hardest part about adulting is to let go. Letting go of anger, bad vibes, bad people etc. It is hard but you have to let go for you to move forward in your life. Holding on can be an anchor to your life. Don’t be that person that holds on. Just let go and let flow.

So after all has been said and done, I look forward to this life after college. Here’s to jumping down the rabbit hole🥂😊

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