Letter to my unborn child

My little warrior

I don’t know how to write this without being cheesy but here it goes. Hey there… this messy, funny and quite impatient person is your mommy. I have so much to tell you, so much I would like to teach you, so much I would like to show you. I just can’t wait to hold you and do all these things; but before you set your eyes on this world, there are a couple of things that I would want to get off my chest… and hope that you will read one day.

Little warrior, this world can be a cruel and beautiful place; all at the same time. You will find that there will be so many battles that you will face each and every day. From the day you will be born, you will fight your way out of my body. You will fight and scream until your mother lets you suck on her tender breasts as it nourishes you. You will fight for attention, fight all the fevers and colds. And then you will fight your way from me as you will learn to crawl and then eventually walk until you become a full grown woman/man. Each and every step of the way I will be there for you. Through the booboos that you will get from learning how to ride your new bike, to the booboos that you will get from a heartbreak.

It is important that you know that not everyone you start with in your life will be with you till the very end. Some may leave you to go for “supposed greener pastures” (be it new countries or new friends). And some will just leave you to go to the actual greener pastures. Yes, by this, I mean Heaven. You must remember that we came from dust and to dust is where we shall return. All these can be painful but trust me, it will get better one someday.

Life can be filled with disappointments but don’t let that not get you down. Always see the positive of things. This is something that I could hardly do as I was growing up; but now that I am all grown, I am learning to do that. Smile through the rain and the sun will come out. The storm might be tough but there will always be a rainbow at the end of it. You will learn new things every day. You will overcome and you will inspire many people to do better… to be better.

Love with all your heart. Give to those in need. Be kind, for you will never know who you are being kind to. Blessings will come when you least expect them. They come in mysterious ways and hit you like a wrecking ball. But these aren’t here to wreck, they are there to mold you into the young lady/man that God has envisioned you to be. I know that we are going to fight a lot; sometimes you are going to wish that I wasn’t your mama (don’t lie, I know you will feel like this sometime in your life). But know that all I do is to protect you. All I do for you and to you is out of love. It’s because I want you to be the best you you can ever be. Always remember, “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work”. These were the wise words of Collin Powell.

As I said before, I have so much I would like to tell you. I guess the rest I would have to tell you in person. Just know that I got you. No matter what may, mama will always love you and always be there for you.

Here for you always and forever

Mama bear👸

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