80pDtgGkLounging on the couch on a Saturday afternoon, enjoying the renowned and often criticized lifestyle of a ”couch potato”, the average middle aged citizen can be seen with a firm grip on a PlayStation controller. Staring at a television screen, yelling frantically at the animated game characters. But what most consider as a useless, time consuming and addictive hobby has more benefits than the world perceives. Could there really be more to gaming than meets the eye?

According to studies by various websites like, gaming has more benefits that drawbacks, many of which are scientific.

Studies have shown that compulsive gamers who play for at least three hours a week are less likely to make errors as they are accustomed to activities that require high concentration. These people are said to be better potential surgeons than non-gamers by most surgeons

One may then pose the question ”is that all? What if I have no intention of becoming a surgeon or a medical practitioner of any sort?”. Gaming in fact has a lot more unexplored and unexploited benefits.

Regular gaming is expected to help dyslexic individuals. Dyslexia is a term used for disorders that affect the person’s ability to read but do not affect the person’s intelligence. With a short attention span being attributed as a main cause of dyslexia, the attention grabbing nature of games trains the mind to focus.

More studies show that dyslexic individuals improved their ability to read after many intense sessions of games. The reason for this, they believe, is that games have different changing environments that require high focus.

Contrary to common belief games help eyesight. As children, one of the most common instructions was ”Do not sit too close to the TV”. Scientists have crushed the urban myth and have come to the concession that that regular and controlled gaming improves the eye’s ability. Shooter games like Call of Duty, Far Cry, Hitman and Battlefield require the player to be able to pinpoint and aim certain targets and this trains the eye.

While some argue that gaming uses up valuable time others may consider making a full time career. Yes it is possible! Gaming is a rewarding lifestyle. Major league Gaming holds tournaments where the winners are rewarded cash prizes of up to US$ 150 000. US$ 150 000 simply for beating opponents in a game.

For those that wish to keep things educational, academic and intellectual, games like chess have been drawn into the gaming craze. Seemingly like a black hole in zero gravity, the entire world has been sucked into the frenzy, even those that would have rather avoided it. It is clear that that one cannot avoid games.

Games like Nightclub Manager brush up one’s management skills. It seems even corporate executives are catered for in the gaming world.

The new online multi-player trend has risen to silence critics who assert that gaming secludes people from the world and makes them antisocial. Gamers are now able to converse and interact online with up to 65 gamers simultaneously while they play and compete.

Another benefit that no one has ever considered is how gaming improves the ability to make quick decisions. While competing with the gaming system’s near-flawless CPU or the ”computer” as gamers affectionately call it, one needs to master the art of quick reactions and quick decision making.

In light of this, the individual is left with food for thought. Cam one honestly say gaming is all bad? Truly it cannot be as everyone makes it out to be, after all regular gaming has all these benefits

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